Testimonies of Healing
My dear Teacher : I give you two cases, showing that Mind, not matter, is the controlling power. In 1869, just after my graduation from a medical college, I was called to see a lady who thought she was suffering severely.
This saying has been well exemplified in the case of Dr. S.
For the encouragement of all who are suffering with disease, I wish to give my testimony as to what Christian Science has done for me. Over two years ago I received an injury to my back, which has constantly troubled me, at times causing excruciating pain.
Dear Journal : I would like to say a few words in favor of Christian Science. I have suffered several years from catarrh, which finally affected my lungs, stomach, and liver.
My dear Teacher, Mrs. Eddy : Would you like to hear from the Quaker City Pioneer? Thought has been prompting me for months to report to you the progress of Christian Science in this city, but, knowing of your many cares and much-occupied time, I have deferred writing; but today I can not resist the desire.
Dear Mrs. Eddy : I have thought, for some time past, that I would write and let you know how much has been done for me by one of your students.
I wish to testify, through the columns of the Journal, to what Christian Science has done for my little daughter Mabel, in the treatment of Mrs. J.
Dear Journal : I am now seventy-three years of age, and for the last seventeen years I have been a great sufferer from asthma. Many nights I have not been able to lie in bed.
Dear Mrs. Eddy : I am constrained by a love of Truth to add my testimony in behalf of Christian Science.
I know the statement made by Mrs. Dick to be true; and I wish also to say that Mrs.