Testimonies of Healing
Elevated blood pressure brought back to normal by handling fear of risk and belief in heredity
A couple of years ago, while some men were working in my home, I was cleaning a piece of equipment they were to move. Unwisely, I did this while its motor was running, and one of my fingers got caught in the mechanism and pinned between a fast-moving belt and some gears.
I am grateful beyond words for the spiritual growth that came as a result of a healing. A few years ago, I began to notice occasions where my breathing was short.
I awoke one morning and was unable to walk freely because of a swollen and painful knee condition. In my younger years, I had the opportunity to play competitive sports, including football.
Many years ago, when I was wading through some seaweed in the water at the beach, my foot was cut just below the ankle—probably by a large broken seashell. There was no convenient place to clean the deep wound that was bleeding profusely, so I wrapped up the foot with my T-shirt and had my girlfriend (now my wife) drive me home.
Last spring, I was due to fly out on a Friday morning to attend my annual Christian Science students’ association meeting. That Monday, when I got out of bed, my back was out of joint.
As someone who has consistently set high bars for achievement and worked tirelessly to reach certain goals, I’ve been grateful to have found success in various professional, athletic, and personal pursuits. But a sense of accomplishment has often been short-lived and accompanied by a nagging sense of “not quite good enough.
Crystal clear blue skies , snowcapped mountains, and the jingling sound of bells—all so evocative of the Swiss Alps! This was day one of my vacation, and I was delighted to be joining a friend for a few days of walking. Although I enjoy getting out into the countryside, I’m not a serious, experienced, or regular hill-walker.
It all started when my four-year-old daughter developed what is commonly known as impetigo, a skin disease that is medically seen as contagious. When the symptoms appeared, I knew that I could not have her attend kindergarten in this condition, so I kept her home.
In the Bible God repeatedly tells us that He will deliver us (see Isaiah 46:4 , for example). The Scriptures are reminding us that God is the creator and the great deliverer.