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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Healing of severe headaches

Growing up in a household with two devoted Christian Scientists, I was grateful for my parents’ example of commitment to Christian Science and demonstration of it, but I hadn’t really made it my own. I regularly attended church and read the weekly Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly, but because I hadn’t had any significant challenges, I more or less went along and simply hoped that I would know enough to address a big problem if one came along.

Deep wound healed

One day while enjoying an afternoon ride, my horse slipped off a low footbridge and we both fell into the mucky streambed. Before I could get to my feet, the horse stepped on my lower leg to climb back up onto the bridge.

Healing of acute asthma

For many years I suffered from acute respiratory crises. At times, I would call the emergency services for help.

Quick healing of arm injury

When I was in my twenties, a longtime church member asked when I was going to take Christian Science Primary class instruction. I replied that I hadn’t thought of it.

Healed after a fall

When I was a teenager, the lady who rented the upstairs of our home introduced my family to Christian Science. She was a delightful person.

Rising out of grief

In the spring of 2019 my husband passed on. This was rather sudden, and it marked the beginning of a very significant lesson and healing for me over nearly three years.

Child’s night terrors healed

By the time our son was about a year old, he occasionally exhibited troubling behavior. After falling asleep in his crib at night, he would wildly cry out.

Frightening condition healed

A few years ago, I had a painful condition in the upper part of my mouth. At first, I thought it might be an allergic reaction.

Protected from swarm of bees

One fine midmorning not too long ago, I sat down on the couch to enjoy some quiet time before lunch. As I was resting there, I watched a bee enter my room through the small gap at the bottom of the door.

Resentment gone, growth healed

Some years ago a growth appeared on my abdomen. I didn’t pay any attention to it until it became inflamed and painful.