One of the greatest gifts I have gained in all my years studying and practicing Christian Science is the journey I had that was occasioned by a very painful condition in one of my legs. Far outweighing the intense fear of the image it presented, and of what the medical diagnosis might be, was my desire to trust completely in Christian Science for my healing—in all I had learned from it and knew it to be. I wanted to have full faith in it as an ever-present, provable Science based on man as the perfect, spiritual expression of God—of Life, Truth, and Love.
As a child, I hadn’t been taught that each of us is, in reality, an expression of God. That is something I later learned through the study of Science. But I did have a clear sense that my existence and being were more than a temporary mortal experience. Christian Science teaches that God is Principle and Life, and that every one of His ideas forever expresses this harmonious, principled Life. The fact that these are provable truths is why I ultimately chose to rely on Christian Science for healing.
What impressed me when I called a Christian Science practitioner for help was how little time we spent discussing the physical condition or the symptoms. We didn’t look to matter, or the body, but to God, divine Truth. In our prayers we primarily worked with one basic statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “Principle and its idea is one, and this one is God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Being, and His reflection is man and the universe” (pp. 465–466).