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The Bible Lesson and healing

From the February 2025 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A few years ago, in a conversation with other Christian Scientists, it seemed appropriate to mention that Mary Baker Eddy, the Founder of Christian Science, wrote that “the prosperity of Christian Science largely depends” on the Bible Lessons found in the Christian Science Quarterly (Church Manual, p. 31). The conversation paused momentarily. One woman expressed surprise and then said, “Since I want Christian Science to continue, I guess I’d better be more dedicated to studying the Bible Lesson.” This had been my response when I discovered that passage years earlier. It caused me to reinvigorate my daily study of the Bible Lesson. The importance of the Bible Lessons to Christian Science is far broader than a daily activity for my own spiritual education. It’s broader than preparation for participating in Sunday services as a Sunday School teacher, Reader, musician, or congregant.

The Christian Science Bible Lesson is made up of passages from the Bible and correlated passages from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Eddy. It includes accounts from the lives of the patriarchs and prophets in the Old Testament and examples of Christ Jesus’ teaching and healing in the New Testament. The passages from the textbook include some aspect of the theology of Christian Science and show how the spiritual laws underlying the Bible teachings can be applied in healing, as Christ Jesus taught. 

Something that prospers is something that is strong and thrives. So, in the previously quoted By-Law in the Church Manual, Mrs. Eddy is telling us that the Christian Science Bible Lessons undergird the strength and growth of Christian Science. Healing is an essential aspect of Christian Science. For me, this means that I need to strive to apply the truths in the Bible Lesson to my daily needs for healing. 

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