“Popular theology makes God tributary to man, coming at human call; whereas the reverse is true in Science. Men must approach God reverently, doing their own work in obedience to divine law, if they would fulfil the intended harmony of being.”
Those words from Unity of Good (p. 13) by the Discoverer of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, caused me to ask myself if I too was calling on God to know about my problems and help me fix them. Christian Science teaches that we must first approach God reverently. This points our thought in the right direction, to an understanding of the true nature of God and man, which is what enabled Christ Jesus to heal. We must reach out to God with the desire to understand and honor Him, not to get Him to be aware of false mortal beliefs of life in matter.
We tend to assume that if God doesn’t know about our problems, He can’t solve them. But consider the principle of mathematics. It doesn’t know anything of the problems we solve with math. The principle or law, when correctly understood and applied, brings about the intended results. Mathematics does not work more effectively if it first knows the nature of the mistakes being made. It is never influenced by outside forces, opinions, or circumstances. Principle is eternal, immutable, and unerring.