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From the June 1883 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The higher the order of intellect with which one is brought in contact, the less one has to fear ; true goodness is all charity, and true genius is the least presumptuous.

The belief that guardian spirits hover around the paths of men covers a mighty truth ; for every beautiful, and good and pure thought which the heart holds, is an angel of mercy, purifying and guarding the life.

What is fear? A frightful and dangerous substance to the guilty ; but an illusion and harmless shadow to the conscientious and upright.

"As they who, for the first slight infirmity take physic to repair their health, do rather impair it ; so they who, for every trifle, are eager to vindicate their character, do rather weaken it."

The Jewish Chronicle quotes a beautiful apothegm from a Talmudical philosopher,—"The noblest charity is to prevent a man from accepting charity ; and the best alms are to show and enable a man to despise and dispense with alms."

It is better to sit at the fountain's head
Than a sea of waves to win;
Better the love that floweth out,
Than the love that floweth in.

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