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From the June 1883 issue of The Christian Science Journal

''A fisherman upturned a great haul of fish. He managed by a skillful handling of his net to retain all the large fish and draw them ashore, but he could not prevent the small fish from falling back through the meshes of the net into the sea."

Don't forget this, mi yung and succulent friend, before yu kan afford to be az harmless az a duv, and not git yure feathers pikt, yu hav got to be az wide awake az a sarpint—the Bible sez so.—Josh Billings.

A Hen finding the eggs of a viper, and carefully keeping them warm, nourished them into life. A Swallow observing what she had done, said, "You silly creature ! why have you hatched these vipers, which, when they shall have grown, will inflict injury on all, beginning with yourself?"—Æsop's Fables.

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