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From the June 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Somerville, July 18th, 1884.

DEAR READER,—Of late I have been deeply interested in the welfare of those who profess Christianity and are holding on to the belief of carrying round with them a sick body. If addressing such, let me say for your comfort, that for many years I was under like bondage, a slave to the body, but now am most happy to be learning my way out through Christian Science, which needs only to be accepted, studied and practically applied to be understood the Gospel's light, liberty and salvation. Through this understanding the things of God are clearly revealed to us, and we learn to meet and master these beliefs of sickness and disease as readily and effectually as we are taught we can, and do, other forms of temptation. For one, I rejoice in this Blessed Truth, and tenderly invite you all to give it your thoughtful attention. It will be found the "power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth."

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