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From the June 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Editor Journal Christian Science :

Dear Madam :—If some one may be benefitted by reading the following acknowledgment of the ability of Christian Science to heal disease, my writing will not be in vain.

During the latter part of last month my wife was cured of a severe from of bleeding piles by one of your students, Mrs. Munroe, with whom I have become acquainted, and who has succeeded in winning me over to the Science.

Before and during the progress of the cure, Mrs. Munroe and my wife had never seen each other. Sunday, April 20th, I spoke to Mrs. Munroe about the belief with which my wife suffered, but said nothing to my wife, as she did not understand the Science, and I feared might array her mind unconsciously against it.

The following Thursday my wife affirmed that the pain had nearly disappeared. From that time, her progress had been rapid.

We are both very grateful, and are now trying to learn more of the Divine Science.

Respectfully Yours,

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