Two items of interest have run the rounds of the secular and religious press, and remind thoughtful Scientists of duties to be borne in mind till successfully accomplished. We refer to the completed revision of the Old Testament after fourteen years of conscientious labor by Hebrew and Greek scholars,—and the arrest of Rev. Dr. A. J. Gordon, Rev Mr. Hastings, Rev. Mr. Davis, and other Boston clergymen, for Sunday preaching on the Common. The revision suggests the Scientist's duty of putting that perfect interpretation of the entire Bible, "Science and Health," into the hands of everybody, everywhere. The arrest reminds them that it is but lately that Dr. Gordon himself attempted an "arrest" to their preaching and practising a faith purposing only blessing, love, and practical redemption from some intolerable ills of humanity. The Scientists, without, however, having broken any municipal law (as Dr. G. and his co-laborers certainly have), extend their sympathy to the clergymen now suffering injustice and persecution for well doing. They are the more able to speak encouragingly, because of their own successfully waged battles in defence of the same righteous cause.
Two items of interest have run the rounds...
From the June 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal