"Has the summer really come?"
Said a rosebud blushing sweet,
As she opened wide her eyes
In a glad and sweet surprise,
From a long and dreamless sleep.
"Oh, I wonder if the frost,
With its cold and chilling breath,
Has been melted by the sun!
Has the summer, then, begun,
Giving life Instead of death? "
So the buds which hid the leaves
And the fragrance of the rose,
Wooed by sunshine-laden breeze,
That swayed the royal trees
From this stately, calm repose,
With a bashful, blushing bloom,
From their floral gem'd retreats,
Came with wealth of rare perfume,
Covering lovely May and June
In an avalanche of sweets.
Thus in fast increasing numbers
Come these children of the sun,
From their cells of dreamless slumbers,
From the Silent Land of wonders—
Love has wooed, and Love has won.