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Testimonies of Healing

Stung by Hornets

From the November 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In July of last year, my little daughter, four years old, walked into a hornet's nest in a blueberry swamp, and was quickly covered by the hornets. She was very badly stung, before anyone could reach her. There were more than fifty dark purple spots about her head and face, mostly on one side, and her arms and legs were badly stung, a good many of the hornets being picked off of her after she was carried from the swamp. The people were saying it would kill her. At first, my own fear was great; but I gathered her in my arms, and tried to realize that God is Love, and mortal mind could not kill my darling; and God gave me my child, happy and well, without scar, swelling or pain, in about half an hour.

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