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Written in 1816.

From the April 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I'll lift my heart in gratitude above,
For gifts of nature and redeeming Love;
And next for thee, who dost with fondness
A Mother.

With kindness thou didst watch my infant
Soothed when I grieved, and wiped the falling
To pity now, in care or grief, appears,
No Mother.

Kind Heaven to me has given many a friend,
To cheer my days, and to my wants attend;
Yet oft my heart would dictate, "Kindly lend
My Mother."

The robins every morning sweetly sing.
Could we together feel the sweets of spring!
Would that a wish, a prayer, to me could bring
That Mother.

Yet to Thy will, oh Power Supreme, I bow.
Thou workest all things for my good, I know!
We'll kiss the hand from whence our sorrows
Oh Mother.

Whatever that be which thinks, which understands, which wills, which acts, it is something celestial and divine, and on that account must be eternal.

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