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From the April 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The cadences from time past, the inspiration of the present, the mutterings and golden glimmerings of the future, answer with indisputable, knowledge-laden tongue, No! Great as may have been the affirmations of the Science, with its imperial dawn of the present unfolding of Truth,—flinging its aurora high over the mountain-tops of a false theology, and into the caverns of superstition,—there come other revelations, whose record shall be greater than that which Time has written on the scroll of the past.

The pioneers of intellectual, spiritual, and moral developments, which long since passed into the eternity of the ages, have but broken up the fallow ground for a greater advancement, wherein is hidden the more precious germs of Truth; to be followed again by those to whom the dispensation of revelation shall bring a more glorious awakening. The superstitions planted by the mind groping in darkness, still searching after light, are one by one being uprooted by the flaming sword of Truth, issuing from the Eden of divine revelation.

"Witchcraft has been entirely supplanted by modern Intelligence. The laws of cause and effect have peremptorily consigned to a resurrectionless tomb the superstitious bigotry of the ancients. Intolerance and religious persecution have given way to a liberal and consistent faith, while God the Father is closely allied to humanity, and sees us not afar off.

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