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Questions Answered

From the April 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This article was later republished in Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896:  Mis 68:7-71:10

Rev. A. B. Simpson said, in a sermon: "A true Christian would protest against Metaphysical Healing being called Christian Science." He also maintained that pain and disease are not illusions, but realities; and that it is not Christian to believe they are illusions. Is this so?

It is unchristian to believe that pain and sickness are anything but illusions. My proof of this is, that the penalty for so believing is the very pain and disease. Jesus cast out a devil, and the dumb spake. Hence it is right to know that the works of Satan are the illusion and error which Truth casts out.

Does the gentleman above mentioned know the simple meaning of Metaphysics, or of Metaphysical Theology? It would seem that he does not, so I will inform him. According to Webster, Metaphysics is defined thus: "The Science of the conceptions and relations which are necessary to thought and knowledge; Science of the Mind." Worcester defines it as "the philosophy of Mind, as distinguished from that of matter; a Science of which the object is to explain the principles and causes of all things existing."

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