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Testimonies of Healing

Three Cases

From the April 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A lady in Chelsea had nervous prostration and severe stomach-trouble, and her throat was much affected. The condition of the patient was such that the door-bell had not been rung for weeks, and she could not bear to have a person in the room long enough for more than the necessary attendance. When fully discouraged, she was urged to try Christian Science. I was sent for, and treated the lady two weeks. When desired, she will gladly give her testimony in favor and praise of Mental Healing.

A lady in Windsor, Conn., was cured, in two weeks of spinal trouble and the results of childbirth. She learned enough of Divine Science in that time to cure her own children and a friend, on her return to her home.

A gentleman in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., was cured, in three weeks, of what physicians called Consumption.

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