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From the September 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I think all who have studied, and intend to live up to the teachings of Divine Science, will undergo in part the same experience. I am convinced that we are our own enemies; that we subject ourselves in fear to the claims of evil, allowing them to appear real; and with absurd passivity, without demur, bow our necks to receive the yoke which the "gods many" of mythology impose upon us and we then ask to be freed from the slavery of sin and sickness, while we hug our very fetters. The complete reversion of thought which attends a student just entering the borders of Christian Science, whether he be conscious of this reversion or not, will of necessity, I hold, push him into a very thicket of struggles. But since this impetus is an awakening into Truth, there must perforce appear the realization of the great fact that "Whom He loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every one whom He receiveth." We must rouse from the worshipful sleep of sense, to see that our gods are false, and turn from them in disgust, ere we can hope to reap a tithe of that reward which is Joy straight from Heaven. This Joy is the Spiritual Understanding which enables us to discern the renewal of thought, a radiance of peace which assures us that we have found the Way, and overcome error.

When these thoughts are revealed to us in their spiritual beauty, can we ever doubt again that inspiration is divinely natural? Rather let us struggle to be natural enough to secure its dawning upon us. Thus shall we be able to mark our growth in Good, since the capacity to commune consciously with Divine Principle, and be thereby governed, is inspiration and revelation, and an open fount for all.

But this very growth consists in meeting courageously and calmly every form of error as soon as the claim is presented. The most subtle of all are the thoughts that do not come from our individual error, but are supplied to us from opposing enemies. Error in Truth's attire may almost deceive the very elect; and its source may be so hidden as to seem to be of our own origination. We need to question these intruders, saying, "Whence comest thou?" denying their emanation from the One Mind, before we can discern the suspicion, doubt, and hate that gave them birth or reduce their seeming reality to the nothingness of lies disbelieved, therefore powerless. Only in that close sense of watchfulness which is true praying, can we guard the precious portals of our thought against the tempter, whose many forms bear no resemblance, when understood, to the infinite creations of God,—for always are these forms of error based in matter and material things. As we clear away the mists of error, we grow stronger and purer, plunging with renewed vigor into the hitherto, to us, unexplored sea of thought, to bring from its hidden depths still more perfect pearls, undiscovered before, because beyond our limited comprehension, but which was waiting for this revelation (which is the true light) in order to be seen. Ah! is it not enough of Joy for us just to realize our advance into Light after the long battle in the darkness of evil beliefs?

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