A young philosopher of seven years of age, who had not progressed far enough to hear the Holy Scriptures disputed, listened attentively in his father's parlor, the other evening, to a warm discussion on the Darwinian theory. After the guests had departed, he somewhat surprised his father. "Father, I don't believe Mr. Darwin is right."
"What?" said the parent, looking down at this unexpected reasoner, who stood behind him with a little Bible in his hand. "You do not! and why?"
"Because, Papa, my Bible says God created man in His own image, and I don't believe it was a monkey."
"Well, well," said the sire, laughing, "run along, Tommy! You are too young to talk about such things."
"But, Papa, almost the next verse says: God saw everything He had made, and behold it was very good. Now it was n't good if men were monkeys, was it? For you are gooder than a monkey, ain't you, Papa?"