It is interesting to note the difference of opinion in regard to what constitutes the Laws of Health, the Laws of Hygiene, and the Laws of Nature, as explained by physicians, and other people who believe man has power over himself, when he has deprived himself of power, and subjected himself to dominant fears.
These terms are used by physicians as if they had the same meaning, and as if doctors were using their remedies in accordance with a divine law. It is the universal belief that God made medicine to be used for the benefit of mankind; but as nearly all medicines are said to contain poison, the world is compelled to admit that God made the different poisons; for "He made everything that was made," and pronounced it good.
No wonder people hesitate when asked if God made chloroform, morphine, quinine, cocaine, strychnine, laudanum, and other poisons contained in medicine. Patients are often cautioned not to take an overdose of medicine, as in some cases it would cause them to pass through the belief of death.