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Church and Association

From the March 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After the close of the Sunday school, there was a great rush for seats, which were completely filled, as well as the gallery and standing space, long before commencement, by an eager audience, waiting the appearance of the pastor, Rev. M. B. G. Eddy. The announcement that she is to be present always fills the house.

To-day, her sermon was the inspiration of Truth, infused with the genius and intellect of the woman, and showed a careful analysis of the subject in her development of thought. She spoke in a clear, strong tone of voice that was heard by all, taking her text from Isaiah: "For unto us a child is born." Her subject, as was announced in the daily papers, was the "Personal and Impersonal Saviour."

The cross was the central emblem of Jesus' history, when the salvation of mortals from sin, disease and death, became his Messianic mission.

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