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From the March 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I continue to teach the Primary Course, and all the classes advertised at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and without an assistant. Also, I hereby notify the public, that any one desiring to be best prepared to practice or teach Christian Science Mind-healing, must take his Primary Course at this College. I find the candidates cannot be properly examined outside of a class.

Hereafter, no student of mine can enter the Normal Class under one year after his Primary instructions. Students prepared outside of the College must wait two years after their Primary lessons before being admitted to the Normal Course.

Both these classes of applicants for the Normal, must furnish certificates of having practised acceptably one and two years. Students are not admitted to the Class in Obstetrics who have not passed through the Primary at this Institution.

Certificates will not be given Students from the Normal Course whom I have not prepared in the Primary, under six months after its close, and evidence is received of their practical fitness therefor.

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