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From the March 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a definition of God, and a foundation for all Truth, it is very important that the term Supreme Being be correctly understood. Much of the misunderstanding of Christian Science is directly or indirectly traceable to a misunderstanding of the term Supreme Being, as used by Rev. M. Baker G. Eddy in her definition of God. It contains the key of Christian Science, without which it is impossible to open the gate to the straight and narrow way that leadeth unto Life.

A correct understanding of its meaning would completely harmonize all differences, and bring about a unity of thought among Christian people. I do not condemn any one for a misunderstanding, but trust the error will be so apparent to all that they will gladly look away from it to the Truth.

Nothing seems worse for a cause than a misunderstanding of its object, or a misunderstanding of the purpose of its projectors; and none are so apt to misunderstand a cause, or a motive, as those who follow it as a stepping stone to purposes of their own. They "see through a glass darkly." It also follows that none are so apt to understand a cause, or a motive, as those who find both cause and motive necessities for their own welfare and happiness.

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