For fifteen years I have had a stomach-trouble, which baffled the skill of the best physicians in New Hampshire. Medicine failed to remove the cause of the most distressing vomiting spells, which would last days and nights, till it seemed as if I could not live. They have been growing worse and worse in eight years. Every time I had an attack, the doctors would say I could not live through it; or, if I did, that I could not live through another. I have often been confined to my room months at a time. For the last eight years I have lived only by taking morphine, and had the habit firmly fixed upon me. I could eat nothing, and was but a skeleton of my former self.
Two months ago, at the earnest solicitations of friends, I placed myself under the care of Mrs. M. F. Berry, of Boston. After one treatment, had no craving for morphine, and in four days I had recovered from the suffering caused by giving it up. Now I can truly say I have not felt so well for fifteen years. I eat anything, and am gaining flesh every day.
For five years I sat bolstered up in bed, with five pillows behind me, not being able to lie on either side. In three days the treatment dispelled that delusion, and now I am a happy woman. Raised from the depths of despair, I cheerfully acknowledge my obligation, under the blessing of God, to Mrs. Berry.