My precious Teacher: You can do as you please concerning the money I sent you for the church,—make it known or not. I feel it the duty of all students, let them live where they may, to do and give all they can to build the Mother Church in Boston. I, for one, mean to give all in my power to help the Cause. I am willing to sacrifice; and I deem it the duty of all to think less of what we eat, drink, wear, or make a show with, beyond cleanliness, neatness and comfort. It is my intention to live for the Cause.
We must have that church built! Chicago alone has students enough, if they would take it up as Methodists would, to have it built in one year. See how many students you have in Massachusetts. It is a shame to let the enterprise drag along in the way it does. Let us all put our shoulders to the wheel and drive it ahead. Wake up! Let us be in earnest, and see what can be done.
Perhaps I am saying too much,—in other words, meddling with what is none of my business. Forgive me, if I have said too much. I do feel that it is time to be in earnest. I will send Miss Bartlett a check for fifty dollars before the first of July. To get all we can, is the way I have been educated in church affairs.