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Testimonies of Healing


From the August 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About thirty-six years ago I was kicked on my knee by a horse, and was kept in bed by the doctors about eighteen months; and this made a cripple of me, the injured leg being at least three inches shorter than the other. The doctors said the trouble was white-swelling. Nearly two years ago I was taken down with what the doctors called bone-erysipelas; and they said I must have my leg taken off, and that this trouble would probably kill me.

I thank God that I was saved through Christian Science, demonstrated by Mr. E. W. Burnham, of Council Bluffs, Iowa. My health was never any better than it is now. The injured leg is as large as the other, and is growing longer.

When Mr. Burnham began treating me, I had what the doctors called sciatic rheumatism, and could not rest day or night; but, thank God! in three days the pain left me, and has not returned. As the Truth has made me free, to anyone, wanting more information, I will gladly give all the particulars in regard to this glorious work. Through the Father, Mr. Burnham is doing great good. The deaf hear, and lost lungs are found.


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