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From the February 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In a former article was considered the miracle of healing the lame man, wrought by Peter at the Gate of the Temple, called Beautiful, as related in the third chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. We may gladly consent unto the profession of our Science, that it heals by the same method that the Saviour used. If therefore we really heal by Christian Science, we may claim, with the apostles, to do wondrous things through the Son of God.

It is not to be understood that our Master's disciples, at least at first, healed because they understood the unreality of sickness and sin. In all likelihood Jesus called them together, and gave them (as if for the first time) authority over all the enemies of his Kingdom. He could do this because he was able, being a man, to talk with them; but nevertheless he talked as being also God. Jesus was the Christ; God was in Christ; therefore, what reason had the disciples to dispute whether evil was a reality, or whether it was an unfounded assertion of the Evil One? What difference did it make to those who had received such a command? The Lord from Heaven, with full power and authority, said, "In my name, heal the sick;" and many cures were wrought in this way.

Mrs. Eddy seems perhaps to have made the best remark on this subject: "It is a question today, whether the ancient inspired healers understood the Science of Christian healing, or whether they caught its sweet tones, like the natural musician, without being able to explain them." (Science and Health, p. 99.)

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