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From the February 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Surely the Children of Israel have a home in Mind. To each of them belongs one of the many mansions in the Father's House. The Son of Man has not a place to lay his head. Where indeed would it be possible to find a permanent abiding-place in matter, or in mortal mind? Change, decay, and death mark ever its chaotic nature. Storm-driven sons and daughters of earth must sooner or later detach their sense of an identity or habitation in flesh, or in a knowledge of evil, and thereby gain a passport to the abode of Spirit.

Some portion of this work has already been achieved by those who, through the study and demonstration of Christian Healing, have gained an assurance that they have a place prepared for them in the stately chambers of Truth, made beautiful by Love. This abode is a mental condition, a capacity to realize the presence and power of Good in the midst of seeming evil. It is an at-one-ment with the Father, through the Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Inborn in every right-minded man and woman is a longing for a home, some spot to call one's very own, in which dwell one's dearest and best, to which, when the day's work is ended, one may flee for rest and good-cheer, and from which one seeks to exclude all that is harsh or unpleasant. What endless years of toil and care have been spent in providing such homes for ourselves and our children! How often have wives and mothers been overtaxed and worn out in their labors to make these homes bright and attractive! How the husbands and fathers have broken down, in toiling to furnish the necessities and luxuries of earth! With what genial hospitality have the tables been spread, and the guests been bidden to the feast! Was this housekeeping ever done? Did not each day bring its new duties? Because the rooms were swept and garnished, and the larder filled one day, did that answer for the next? Was it not often necessary to throw wide-open the doors and windows, to let in the pure fresh air and the pleasant sunshine?

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