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From the April 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Journal: I send you this clipping from The Boston Traveller. Please give it a place in your next issue, as a sign of the times. It appears that Rev. J. G. Townsend, of Jamestown, N. Y., recently expounded the New Theology, and gave the Creed of his church.

While this Creed lacks the steadfastness and power that understanding imparts, its intent is good, and it has, as you can see, borrowed largely ideas, without credit, from my work, Science and Health. A creed loosely adopted must fail signally as a basis of demonstrable Truth. Religion, separated from Science, is shockingly helpless. Science is not tentative. We may receive it on trial; but ours is the fault if it be not adopted, for it compels every human faculty to act in God's grooves. Science is a finality, or else there is no finality. My sympathy goes out to the subscribers to that creed, and returns to rest in Christian Science, —much as the dove flew from the Ark in the Deluge.

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