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From the April 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Science has been defined as a collection of facts, relating to any subject, arranged in systematic order. Now, if we have invariable laws of right, and if these laws are found in Christianity, then Christianity, properly understood and stated, is Scientific; and there you have Christian Science.

The reverse also must be true. If there is no Christian Science, then there is no law of right; and we have, in morals, nothing stable, on which we can depend. If religion is true, it is scientific, when properly systematized. True religion is the highest Science, and must also be the exact Science.

Your doctor visits you in sickness, and tells you—or decides in his own mind, however he may shape his declaration to you—that the cause of your disease is lack of vitality. Whatever disease you think you have, your doctor believes that the reason why you have it is that you neither possess sufficient vitality to overcome certain unfavorable circumstances, nor reserved strength enough to throw off the ailment.

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