During the summer of 1886 I was stricken with a form of paralysis, which gradually took possession of my body, until I was practically helpless. Months I was unable to attend to my business. I was under treatment from various doctors in regular practice, using galvanism as well as medicine. My doctors plainly told me that, from the nature of my disease, I could never again walk, though I might live many years, and die of some other disease. Under the belief engendered by these statements I procured a wheel-chair, in which I managed to propel myself through town and attend to some small affairs.
While in this state I was one day informed that Mrs. Maude E. Morton was in town, with a system of healing called Christian Science. Without having much faith in the system, I was induced by friends to submit myself to her treatment. June 16, 1887, I was wheeled into her room, at the Grand Central Hotel, in Plum Creek, Nebraska, and placed myself under her exclusive treatment. I began to improve in my condition from that moment, and gradually recovered the use of my limbs. I entirely discarded the wheel-chair about the first of October. Now I am in better physical condition, and capable of greater exertion, than at any time for several years previous to my attack. The remarkable part of my cure is that my physicians gave me hopes of a long life, though with the prospect of being a confirmed cripple, while at the same time they confidentially informed my associates that I had but a short time to live. Now, almost every time I go on the street, I am met with exclamations of wonder at my remarkable recovery. Even the doctors tell me that my cure was nothing short of miraculous.
Notary Public
Plum Creek, Nebraska