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Testimonies of Healing


From the January 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Last evening a little baby granddaughter was given us, our son's first child, and our only grandchild.

About six weeks ago her physician came to me (by-the-way, he is a high-dilution homoepathist, and quite near to Science in some ways) and said he thought I ought to know that my daughter-in-law was in a very alarming condition. She was so hysterical that there was but little doubt she would have convulsions, and the case would prove fatal. I went to see her the next day, and spent a part of every day with her for nearly three weeks. She would formerly jump up and down on the floor, and scream; after my first day with her she had no such turns, but was quiet and restful. The doctor said to me in a few days: "My fears are all over and I think she will get along nicely."

So it went on, until he suspected something, or perhaps someone mentioned that I was a Scientist. He at once forbade my going to the house, and said he had noticed that his patient was more nervous after I had been there. I then gave absent treatments.

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