With the October issue the Christian Science Journal passed definitively under the control of the Publication Committee of the National Association. It is now, to the last outward detail, a part of the life, not only of every member of the Association, but of every individual Scientist who looks to the Association as the representative body of the numerous Christian Science believers. It has ceased to be the vehicle of individual thought, and is bound to voice the thought, and only the highest thought, the scientific thought, of the many members that constitute, to our present sense, the one body of Christ, the one invisible, universal Church.
The Journal cannot be, in any proper sense, the Organ of the National Christian Scientist Association" except through direct work of individual members of the Association to make it so. Some of the specific channels of effort will be here indicated, and every reader of the Journal should mentally resolve on, and proceed without delay to perform, his own part of the work. Neglect of duty by anyone will be manifested by weakness and imperfection in its pages.
(1) First of all, thought should be given to hold the Journal as the messenger and voice of Truth, and that error cannot pervert or use the publication committee, or the persons directly charged with its preparation and publication.