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Letters & Conversations


From the November 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

 Matthew xii. 32.—In the September Journal an explanation of this verse is asked for. In the verse preceding we read, "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven" unto men, while in this verse it is said "whosoever speaketh against it, shall not be forgiven, neither in this world nor in that which is to come."

A persistent absolute denial of the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world; of  "The grace of God that bringeth salvation and hath appeared to all men,"—this denial and treading underfoot of the Son of God constitutes the unforgivable sin. God, through this inward manifestation of Himself, teaches all men directly and alike; "Thine eye shall see thy Teacher, thine ear (spiritual eye and ear,) hear a voice saying,' This is the way, walk thou in it';"  "He hath not left himself without a witness in the heart of every one;" He is Spirit and each one of us has a measure of Spirit, which in fulness dwells in Christ Jesus.

For those who spake against the personal Jesus, and even treated him with contumely and barbarity, he prayed, "Father forgive them, they know not what they do." He could have made no petition contrary to the will of the Father, for he said: "I know that thou hearest me always."

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