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Letters & Conversations


From the November 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From a Scientist in Ireland.—It has been my desire to trouble you as little as possible with questions, but study, meditate, and work out the answers as they arise. I generally find that I receive light in this way. When too busy all day I sit up till the "small hours," and keep working sometimes for days travelling on—until I seem to reach a hill, out of the valley of doubt, and see with delight what I was wondering about.

It is the Spirit that taketh the things of Christ and showeth them unto us. I am glad to let you know that I am with you in Spirit, and working with you.

I see some in their letters ask God to bless our Teacher, and I know the thought in their heart is love towards her. But can we lay hold of a blessing for her, or increase God's desire to give it? Rather let us look to the spirit of her teachings already given, or to be given, for the blessings she has laid hold of and is laying hold of for us—obey and follow after.

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