The subject of judgment has lately occupied my thoughts, and its meaning has been studied from the Bible and Science and Health. Many assume that we must not judge at all; taking as the basis for this position the words of Jesus, "Judge not," without any reference to their relation to all Truth and to the facts of consciousness itself.
A careful study of the subject in our students' association, from an impersonal standpoint, has brought us a degree of spiritual enlightenment, which has repaid the labor bestowed, and which we venture to hope may aid others in the same way.
To begin with, it was at once apparent to us that negligence or indolence in forming opinions is often erroneously termed charity. To me it appears self-evident that we cannot listen to a statement of anything, personal or impersonal, without at once passing judgment of some sort. In dealing with this question we should think of judgment, as distinguished from expressed opinions. Indefinite views of life, or principle, in its application, by no means embrace that Truth which is so inclusive and exclusive as to annihilate all error.