It is something more than a year and a half since I was cured of a complication of diseases, through reading Science and Health.
Becoming at an early age disgusted with drugs, I learned hygiene, and practiced it faithfully for over twenty years, when I began to lose all faith in its efficacy, became greatly discouraged, and as I had never been cured of a single ailment, I rapidly grew worse in health. Hearing of this, a dear sister brought me Science and Health. Her admonition was, "Now read it, E—; I have heard that just the reading of that book has been known to heal the sick."
I had read to, and through, "Teaching and Healing" and was so greatly interested that I began reading that blessed chapter over again, when I found I was cured of my dyspepsia, and that I could use my strength in lifting, without feeling the old distressing pain in my side, and also that the pain in the kidneys only came on at night, waking me out of sleep. Then I began my first conscious treatments. Of course, I followed no formula, and I needed none. A cry for help, knowing it would be answered; precious texts from the Bible, which had already become like a new book to me; sweet assurance of faith by the witnessing Spirit; strong logical conclusions, learned from Science and Health; what a wealth of material! Before finishing the book, all tendency to my old aches and pains had left me, and I have been a strong, healthy woman ever since.