No letters containing inquiries as to the management of other people's affairs will be read or answered by me or my secretary from this date, and no interviews for the purpose above named will be granted. The individual privilege sacrificed for twenty years I now claim. Having relinquished hitherto my own personal peace, time, and opportunity to help others—to cast my mite for all who needed it into the scale of justice, wisdom, and love, proportionately to my understanding, and leave it for them to maintain the true poise,—experience has shown that thus the balance was often lost, and the blame always attached to me.
A moral necessity has sometimes impelled me to tell one student of another one's error, not to injure anyone, but solely to save the student from falling into similar temptation and the contamination of a mental atmosphere to which he was exposed; and that student has betrayed his Lord, forfeited the help of Truth by telling and exaggerating what had been said, thus traducing the mother motive and losing the end in view.
Some students are saying and doing things in my name, while thinking and acting contrary to my judgment and counsel. This conduct deceives the world, and stultifies the growth of students. I have felt and acted, and still feel and act, toward all students of Christian Science with the motherly intuition and impulse of love. But headstrong, arrogant, and envious natures compel this love to continually rebuke them; as children they cannot understand rebuke, and will never know its value until they become men and women in Christian Science.