The subject one Sunday was "Christian Healing;" and one of the questions put to my class of little ones was: "What is God's medicine for error of every kind?" After a short pause, a little "tot," not over three years of age, arose from one of the back seats and answered: "Love." To the question, "What is sin," a boy of seven or eight replied that he thought it was the opposite of Truth; then a little girl of four said she thought it was the absence of Truth.
At one time when the latter had belief of measles, her papa wished to send for the doctor. "Well, you can send for the doctor, papa; but I can't take any medicine." He continuing to ply her with questions as to how she felt, etc., and to lay down laws as to what she must and must not do, she finally exclaimed, "Why, papa! you will be ordering my coffin next." This completely silenced him. She has a very deep insight into Science, and asks questions that often puzzle the older Scientists. One of them was, "Why did Jesus heal so much better than anybody else?" We should like to have any of our little readers send answers to this question.