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Letters & Conversations


From the September 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We placed our tent in a conspicuous position, with a view to entertaining our friends, or any who might desire to inquire about the Truth. We also desired to make a display of Christian Science literature, and to distribute Tracts and Series.

While awaiting a reply to our request to display and distribute literature, we hoisted our banner, after the manner of other institutions represented on the ground, the banner bearing our church denomination "Church of Christ (Scientist)." We also placed two mottoes on the tent; one bearing the inscription "God is Love," the other worded as follows: The watchword of Christian Science, "Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts." These were placed at about 11 a.m. At about five in the afternoon, our banners were torn down by a committee delegated by the authorities. The only apology offered was: "You are not considered orthodox."

We quietly took down our tent, and left the grounds.

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