Four weeks ago I was not able to do any work on account of a belief of sprained cords in my wrist and arm. I used drugs but they did no good, so I quit them and went to my work in the shop (blacksmith). After about an hour I went to the forge of Mr. J —— and said to him, "I have got to quit work." He replied, "You keep at work and nothing shall hurt you." I knew he was a Christian Scientist, and I believed him and went to work and forgot all about my wrist. About an hour later I went to him again and said, "Did you stop my wrist from paining me?" He said, the Truth did it all, and that everything God made was good; we were His image and likeness and I did not have to suffer. That set me thinking and I asked a few questions and the Truth was revealed to me. It was like the history of Philip and the Eunuch—I was baptized then with Truth.
I have been a hard drinking man for many years, and I asked him if he could help me to quit drinking. In one week, I did not want intoxicating drink, and the past two weeks have been heaven on earth to me.
About fifteen years ago I had what the Doctor called muscular rheumatism in my leg, from the knee down to the bottom of my foot. After healing from the appetite for drink, asked Mr. J. could Truth do anything for that. The answer was, "There is no evil Truth will not destroy." I had had to wear a rubber bandage around my leg, but now use nothing, though I work hard all the time. Also, I had worn glasses for one year. I was also able to put these away, and I am, what I never expected to be again, a well man. And this has all been done in the name of Truth, and I am living it. I do not swear or get mad any more. Horses and mules that always kicked and would not stand to be shod, now stand still; for all is harmony. I thank God I am a better man. I will have Science and Health as soon as some are sent here. After pay day I will send for six, as I have sold four of them already. I thank God for the understanding of this Truth. I study Science and Health all the time when at home in the evening. I am full of love for doing the will of God, and four others have been brought through me into the same way.—