At the age of forty-nine I was a complete wreck, the victim of dyspepsia and chronic rheumatism. The last straw came when I was badly injured by the kick of a horse.
Hearing of Christian Science I took my invalid daughter to St. Joseph to be treated, having no idea that my case could be reached; but I purchased a copy of Science and Health, and began to read it. At the end of the first week's reading, light came to me. I saw a marked improvement in my daughter, then I began to think that after all my case might not be entirely hopeless; so I made another trip to St. Joseph, this time to ask help for myself. I had been thoroughly discouraged, and had there been anything to go back to, I would have given up long ago. I was very uncertain about the hereafter. Theories gave me no light, so I gave them up.
Now I am a strong, healthy man, and am looking forward to the future with joy, because I know I am trying to live the life that Jesus taught.