All over Christendom is told the tale of one who was called by the endearing name of Rabboni-Master. Multitudes followed, and would make him King, but he passed by, unmoved by the breath of praise. Some sneered, calling him only a poor carpenter's son; yet to this he was insensible. Loved and honored as no man ever was or has since been loved and honored; hated and persecuted, he still kept on his royal road, alike unmoved by praise or blame.
Right here let me ask, who was his Master? Surely some unseen force was the basis of his marvelous patience, his wondrous words. Thinking, in quick review, over his deeds, which were but his inner thoughts manifested, we know his Master was Love. What but spontaneous Love could give the power to overcome the wilful persecution of his enemies, and enable him to say "I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do?"
In a moment of great longing, a Christian once prayed to know the Way, and received from God the assurance that more good could not be gained, until that which was already possessed was put into practice.