To my co-workers in truth: I was unexpectedly called to take editorial charge of the Journal. A sense of duty impelled me to respond to the call. When called by the voice of Truth to responsible duty which we fain would avoid, we may learn a lesson from the allegory of Jonah and the whale. Called to Nineveh, it is not well for us to take ship for Tarshish. Jonah's experience is likely to be ours. It is better for us to remain on the dry land, of our own preference, than to be spewed thereon. I have had no journalistic experience. Neither have most of my predecessors, so that this could not be urged as an excuse. With this issue of the Journal my editorial duties and responsibilities commence. If earnest purpose, and conscientious discharge of the onerous duties devolving upon the position, shall be of avail, I shall hope for a fair measure of success.
I ask that your purpose be with me. The Journal belongs to us all. We have a common interest in it. Give us your best thought; and together let us record the evidences of our growth in Truth upon the Journal's pages.
Its mission is a noble one; its future bright. Its success was assured from the first. With Truth as its Sponsor, how could this be otherwise? Panoplied with Love, it is impregnable. Fortified in Good, it is unassailable. Hand in hand let us sustain it and "having done all," let us "stand."—