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From the November 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

NOT long since, I entered the home of an intelligent lady, taking with me a copy of Science and Health. Our talk turning upon subject of Christian Science, I read to her some portions of this most interesting book, when she surprised me by saying she could not see that anything I had read conflicted with the teachings of Christianity. This led me to think she had thought or had been told that Christian Science did conflict with our Saviour's instructions. This seems to me as great a mistake as any one could make regarding the teachings of Science and Health.

Well do I remember when this blessed volume was first placed in my hands. My husband went away from home, some distance, for treatment and was cured of a disease that the doctors pronounced incurable. While there he bought a book for me, knowing how fond I am of good books. His cure seemed miraculous, still, I said to myself before reading, "If this book tries to take from me the Bible, I will have nothing to do with it. Although not understanding the Scriptures, and not loving to read them, I still felt that some how they were my anchor in this world. After reading Science and Health, and studying it, I declared that if I gave up its teachings I would have to give up the Bible, so identical seemed the spiritual teachings of both.

For over four years I have made a careful study of this Book in connection with the Bible, and I find it explains many things, therein written, that before were a mystery. It has also been my experience, and I think every student of Christian Science can say the same, that wherever this Book is received and read, dust no longer accumulates on the lids of the Bible. An aged relative, after listening to a discussion on the subject of Christian Science, said, "One thing it has done if no other, it has put a good many people to reading the Bible."

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