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Dear Fellow-Workers: Not quite one year ago, I was most unexpectedly...

From the September 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Fellow-workers: Not quite one year ago, I was most unexpectedly called to, and most reluctantly accepted, the arduous task of editing the Christian Science Journal. The Journal itself, for the past nine issues, is the best witness of the faithfulness, love, patience, ability, and obedience to Truth, that have been given to the work. The best I had gathered in the field of demonstration, as healer and teacher, has been brought to its pages for the help and encouragement of the struggling, the loyal, the true.

The field, as well as the editor, is under a debt of gratitude to contributors for their prompt and full response to the call for demonstrated thought; and further, the editor is deeply grateful for the many words of appreciation and encouragement that have come so spontaneously from the warm, loving hearts of fellow-Scientists.

This present number ends my connection with the Journal as editor. My work seemed finally resolved into a choice between editing, or healing and teaching; and, because I cannot honestly even attempt to write without having present with me "the only feasible evidence that one understands Christian Science," — demonstration,—on July 27 I tendered my resignation. The majority of the Publication Committee have kindly accepted it, and I rejoice that I can now resume the much loved and blessed work of healing and teaching, here in "this Jerusalem that stones the prophets, but which Science will make a new Jerusalem which cometh down from heaven."

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