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From the September 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the heart so deeply hidden
From the sight of finite man,
Reigns the motives which have bidden
Mortals formulate a plan
For a name of endless fame.

Some, ensconced in coats of mailing
Proof against all humane feelings,
Never hear oppression's wallings
In their greed for gain in dealings,
With the men of moral ken:

These are they who grasp for millions,
Careless of all human cost;
For they only scheme for billions,
Heedless of all honor lost
In their gladness which is madness.

Others find that Justice shrining
Deeds with halos of its Life,
Constitute a wealth more shining
Than where gold exciteth strife
With its wear and anxious care.

Gold and silver have their mission
In the traffic of this world;
But the wealth of true fruition
That to man shall be unfurled,
Is the Mind of Christ defined.

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