I do not say that we shall ever repeat the miracles of the New Testament. Nevertheless, I cannot forget Christ's solemn declaration: "Greater works than these shall he do" (who believes in me), "because I go to my Father." When we have faith in the power of the spiritual, when we really believe that the spiritual is master and the material is servant, when we study the laws of the spiritual realm as we have studied the laws of the natural realm, when our science does really become Christian, that is spiritual, and our Christianity scientific, that is rational, who can tell what will be the resultant power of mind over body? I will not prophesy. But I decline to accept the conclusions of the men who imagine that nothing has been, or can be, beyond what they have known and experienced.—
I do not say that we shall ever repeat the miracles of the New Testament
From the September 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal