THAT the doctrine of Christian Science illustrates the living faith of the primitive Church of Christ, is an established fact. Overwhelming evidence is so easily attainable, that no one need long remain in doubt of this important fact, since the doctrine when put into practice makes Christianity consistent, and healing by it, successful when all material means fail. If Christian Science is at present unpopular it is because it brings into disrepute the popular systems of theology and medical practice.
It is the purpose of this article to instruct the reader by means of Scriptural helps, and to show by the statements made in connection with these references, that Christian Science has divine authority, it being God's messenger of Truth to this age of "sciences falsely so called," —this period in the world's history when men are seeking the Principle and absolute law of Cause and effect.
It is not the writer's intention to inform the reader what Christian Science is, or very much of the nature of its instruction.