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Letters & Conversations


From the March 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The following is a copy of a letter written to Bro. Chase, the new treasurer, and is a fair example of many which he receives. Such earnest outpourings of honest hearts which have been touched by the finger of divine Love, are helpful and uplifting. God is verily no respecter of persons.

Dear Brother In Christ:— I have just received the December Journal that is so full of goodness and Light. I have also the new Hymnal, and it is most beautiful in its uplifting songs of praise. I have nearly all of our dear Mother's works, and they are my meat and drink. Although I am alone here with my God and my books, I am happy, and would not give this peace of mind for all the gold and fame in the world. I have got the good out of Science and Health and the Bible. I have had no teacher but God and our dear Teacher's books, and I tell the people here that I am not afraid of anything but to do wrong. They call me crazy, but I can say with our dear Teacher, that does not move me from the Truth. Here is my mite for our Mother Church. I washed for this dollar, and if I could send ten thousand times one dollar, I could not send it with more love than I send this one. May God help me to walk in the path the Master and Teacher have worked out for us.—

Here is another:—

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